I met our tutor, Angela, on the first day of our training at her offices in Huddersfield. She had been recommended to me by my Counsellor, Jan, who felt that she is one of the best in the field of Hypnotherapy education. She runs her business, Evolve Clinical Hypnotherapy Training and Development, to the National Occupational Standards for Hypnotherapy which is fully accredited by the GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council).
This means that for the duration of the course I will be on the General Hypnotherapy Register, as a student member of the GHSC, until I qualify when I intend to become a registered practitioner. To me, this is incredibly important. As a Registered Nurse I am used to having to maintain quality and standards in order to continue to practice. Even though, at present, there is no National Standard requirement for Hypnotherapy, I feel reassured that I am being trained to an exemplary standard that would hold up to any professional scrutiny, and prepare me, should this change in the future.
Angela was accompanied by 2 "helpers" who were currently students on the Diploma but already 6 months in. This was such a help to us "newbies" as they have already been in the place we found ourselves on those first couple of days.
There were 5 of us on the initial foundation weekend, each of us having a different story to tell. I was pleasantly surprised how well we all got on from the start. There was quite a bit of self disclosure which has bonded us already.
Needless to say I had lots of questions. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm a "talker" and I have such a love of learning, I want to know it all NOW! Angela was great at keeping us focused and teaching one step at a time. It was evident straight away that she knows so much about the subject that she was almost bursting to share things with us.
The first day concentrated on the history of Hypnotherapy; the law (or lack of); NLP and the Pioneers of Hypnosis. We discussed science behind hypnosis, including the brainwave cycles etc. Concentrating on the mind including the: Conscious; sub-conscious and unconscious mind.
Day 2 brought the 3 laws of suggestion and the 10 Suppositions which are pivotal to what the Hypnotherapist does.
I especially enjoyed learning about rapport, which I have studied in the past, in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming).
But I think my favourite part was when we were given the chance to practice some PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) induction on each other.
I felt that I did rather well for my first time, I was aware that I was a little loud initially (typical for me!!!), but I soon got into the rhythm and got some positive feedback.
I recognised that I definitely need some practice with this. Angela suggested recording myself talking through the script in order to self-critique. I'm not going to lie - I'm dreading having to listen to my own voice!
I'm so excited to start!